Sacremento Scottish Games

I am a rabid Scottish festival fan. Being mostly Scottish I enjoy haggis, meat pies, guinness, and a good Scotch. About the only place you can throw all this together plus get to wear your kilt (without getting funny looks) is at a festival. One of my favorites because it's big but not crowded is the Sacramento Scottish Games and Festival. These games have everything I could want. The music is great. Bands like Wicked Tinkers and Molly's Revenge will be playing. Of course you can always find people like Seamus Kennedy playing good folk music (he's Irish but we won't hold that against him). Don't forget those pipe bands too. Nothing beats a full pipe and drums regiment playing Scotland the Brave and Amazing Grace. The food is incredible also. Even if you don't want to try haggis give a meat pie a try. Don't worry these pies don't involve a sheeps stomache. Make sure you find a good place to stay. My personal favorite is the Lions Gate which is a great Sacramento Hotel. It is a short drive to the grounds but well worth it.
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